We are currently collecting Jelly  for the Community Bread Basket. Donations of food can be dropped off in the Narthex and monetary donations can place in the offering plate with an envelope marked for the CBB. They are also in need of volunteers to help in various areas. If you can donate your time to the CBB, please contact them at 304-748-7595.Please consider helping our community in this way! Thank you for assisting those in need!


Alter flowers are now available again. This is a special opportunity to honor or remember someone you love. They are $15. Please see Carolyn Clements for more details.


Prayer is essential to our faith life and is one of the best ways to offer love and support to others. In order to deepen our walk with God and as a form of outreach, we will be raising individuals in prayer each week. The following week, we will send a card of encouragement to those we’ve prayed for. If you have someone you’d like us to pray for, please fill out a prayer card (located in your pew and in the narthex) with their name and address. Our ultimate goal is to pray for each household in our community.


Can you sew? Knit? Crochet?  If so, we're looking for you!  We are providing Weirton Medical Center with baby blankets and baby hats, etc.  We are also providing lap robes. Contact Carolyn Clements for more information.




` Do you want to learn more about the church? Have you

been attending worship with us for a while and wish to know how

to become a member of our congregation? Let Pastor Carol know.

There will be a new member’s class offered soon and we want you

to be a part of it!

*** If you have an announcement you would like to add to the bulletin, please call or email 

    the church office

( by the Wednesday before. Thank you 

      for your help!


**** Additional announcements for events in our area can be found on the bulletin board.